Books I Read in 2020
You can call me old-fashioned if you like, but I won't shy away from saying that I find reading books to be the best form of entertainment ever invented by man. And not just any book, but genuine hard-copy books. That's why I resolved this year to never read downloaded or photocopied books. So I deleted all ebooks on my laptop and smartphone. I also got rid of about ten photocopied books that I had in my room.
Why did I resolve to never again read downloaded or photocopied books? Because having such books feels to me like breaking the 8th Commandment: "Thou shall not steal". Also because I love the weight of genuine books, the feel of their covers and the smell of their pages. And I feel honoured to see such genuine books nestled on shelves in my room and take pride in knowing I have read them.
Unlike in previous years, this year I didn't visit any library. Instead, I bought my own books with the donations I have received from my blog readers. I have made it a habit to buy two or three books whenever I travel to Nairobi City to produce songs. And boy, don't I love building my personal library!
This year, I read more books than I did in previous years as a result of reducing the time I spend on social media. While reading, I have made an effort of going through the acknowledgement sections of the books as well as checking their year of publication. Checking my books' year of publication has helped me put things in perspective.
Having grown wiser, I diversified my reading repertoire this year. Not only did I read the Bible and motivational page-turners but also books on nature, health, history, nutrition, technology and quotations. I also read novels, memoirs and biographies. And am I in order to say that I didn't finish reading some of the books? Yes, there were some books I didn't finish as I find it unwise to waste hours and hours of my life studying a book that is not inspiring, enlightening or entertaining.
I'd have loved to tell you about all the books I devoured this year and what I gleaned from them. But because I pored over forty books, that would make this story long at the risk of boring you to death. So let me pass along to you only a few lessons that I learnt from what I read this year. Only a few lessons which you are free to take or leave.
From the Good News Bible that I thumbed through this year, I gleaned that it is foolish to speak scornfully of others; if you are wise, you will keep silent. I also gleaned from the same book of Proverbs that it is dangerous to worry about what others think of you, but if you trust in the Lord, you are safe.
From Barack Obama's delightful memoir, Dreams From My Father, I learnt that confidence is the secret to a man's success. And what a great lesson coming from a man who was elected twice as the President of the United States and awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.
And finally, from a book titled The Optimum Nutrition Bible, I gleaned that such elements as iron, copper, sodium and potassium are essential in our bodies. But other elements like lead and mercury are harmful if ingested into our bodies even in small quantities. The book increased my understanding of the nutrients our bodies need for growth and healthy living.
My beloved reader, that's all I will share with you for today. And believing that you have picked up some wisdom from me, I hope that I have also inspired you to read more as well. As for me, I am looking forward to devouring more books in 2021, for, as Somerset Maughan quipped, "To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life." Adieu!
RECOMMENDATION: If you've enjoyed this story on the books I read in 2020, you might also enjoy another one on "Books I Read in 2019". Just click on that link in blue to dive straight into the story.